DP2 Anchor Handling Tugboat (AHTS) for SALE
Price € To Be Discussed
➢ Built late 2012 ➢ 75m x 16m ➢ In Class ➢ 8,320 BHP ➢ 110t Bollard Pull ➢ DP2 AHTS ➢ 2 x Wartsila 9L26 diesel engines + BERG CPP ➢ 2 x 600kW Bow CPP tunnel thrusters ➢ 1 x 600kw Stern tunnel thruster ➢ FIFI 1 ➢ 500m2 deck space ➢ 2,500 MT Deadweight Capacity ➢ Emergency Rescue & Salvage & Oil Spill Response ➢ 40pax accommodation ➢ ABS Firefighting Class FIFI 1 ➢ Environmental IMO Compliance Please connect through support@mantismarine.com for more information
Equipment Type: Purchase
Price: To be Discussed